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5 Ways That Physiclo Is Different From Regular Compression Wear

Posted on March 15 2017

We often describe Physiclo workout gear as “compression tights with resistance”. But lately we've received a lot of e-mails asking, what exactly does that mean?

What sets Physiclo apart from, say, your favorite pair of 2XU compression tights?


To set the record straight, here are 5 main differences:


1. Compression refers to a tightening effect that squeezes and supports your muscles. Resistance, on the other hand, means there's an extra force that your muscles have to work against, helping you get more oomph out of your workouts. Imagine doing your training underwater, where every move feels a bit harder- that's the kind of effect you get when wearing Physiclo.



2. Compression wear is often worn during games, races, and marathons. But resistance wear is really for training only. Remember, they are going to make everything you do feel more challenging, so if you were to wear them for a full marathon... your legs aren't going to have a good time!


3. Compression tights may help you recover faster from a workout session and feel LESS sore the next day. Resistance tights increase the intensity of that workout, so you're going to feel MORE sore the next day. (But in a good way, because you did more.)


4. Resistance tights can actually reduce the amount of time needed to hit a workout target, whereas compression wear doesn't. If your goal is to burn 500 calories, you can do so in less time while wearing Physiclo because you're spending more effort and energy with each step.


5. On the outside, both compression and resistance tights look sleek and form-fitting.  But on the inside, sporting resistance tights will make you feel like a champ because you know you're working harder than everyone else. And the right mindset is half the battle.


While there are key differences between the two, both compression and resistance tights can both help you take your exercise journey to the next level. Try them out for yourselves and let us know what you think!


  • Frank: May 18, 2016

    Hi Emile, no problem! Just send us an email at [email protected] and I’ll take care of that exchange for you right away!

  • Emile Boyle: May 17, 2016

    I’m a 36" waist but the large shorts are too small for me to get on. I need to return/exchange them but I think I’m outside the 2 week window. I don’t see a logon option for your site to check my order, or contact information for exchange.

  • Frank: April 12, 2016

    Hi Tom, Physiclo definitely does have an element of compression in it so you WILL get some of those same benefits! However, it’s primary function is not to provide medical-grade compression, so I would definitely consult your doctor about it first. Hope this helps!

  • Tom: April 05, 2016

    One of us has circulation issues and wears tight compression leggings to keep the blood flowing. Will physiclo help with that also?

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